Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I need a job!!

This is getting old month a 5 days of unemployment I have gained 6 pounds applied for over 20 jobs and gotten one interview (tomorrow) and now my husband is working graveyard.  Which means he is home, ALL DAY!  And he doesn't sleep 8 hours.  He gets in bed when I should be getting out and sleeps 4 then trys to take a nap at 6 which means my day is totally screwed up! But he is trying to do yoga with me! :)
And still not having a job means the office is getting a makeover!!!! More to come soon!
My unintended inspiration!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


 So, blogging goals.  Dear readers, subscribers and followers; who to the best of my knowledge I have none,

      I realize (been told by my blogging research) that I need to have goals, and objectives for this ‘project’ of mine, so here goes. I have mentioned that I will share everything with you from job hunting, health and nutrition, cooking, my new garden start to finish, the remodel of our new house start to finish, bicycle building and more so….

Job hunting; while I may on occasion share with you successes and failures of this experience, you’re likely to see the occasional vent and likely be one of the first to know when I find a job!

Health and Nutrition; my goal here is to put up a weekly tip or advice on the subject.  I used to work for a health club, and have been on an extensive roller coaster myself though the world of both personal health and nutrition.

Cooking; well you lucky ducks you.  I happen to have a great group of friends with whom I get together monthly for a theme dinner and I will be more than happy to share with you my creations each month.  I am also a die-hard foodie.  While unemployed it is difficult to create masterpieces, but I have a litany of recipes on hand to share in the meantime.  Oh and I don’t bake.

OK I said I don't bake...but
when you have half a lot of blackberries on your property you go buy a pie crust and give it a shot
Home and garden; my first objective is to share with you my progress thus far.  I’ve done a few little projects here and there.  I will also show you my goals for the year and keep you informed as I reach them.

Orange rooms and pink fireplaces....we have a few projects to take care of.

The bikes and other interests will come as they happen… does life.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Larger than life....

I had the interesting experience yesterday of discovering 2 very inspirational women, who were both very tall.  As well as being notably tall, they are both inspirational, passionate, amazing women who seem to have an effect on me. 

The first one I encountered quite fatefully.  I had saved 4 movies for my husband and I to choose from only to realize we had already seen 3 of them, and so we watched Julie & Julia. And so I met Julia.  My prior knowledge only coming from Saturday Night Live, my knowledge of her life was, shall we say limited.  Her story was fascinating to me.  To be such an intelligent, liberated American woman in Paris who's activity choices were bridge and hat making, she carved out a passion for herself, and a name.

My second encounter of the evening came around 2am while watching OWN. OWN is the new Oprah Winfrey Network, which has a new show called Master Class.  This episode was of Maya Angelou.  Now while Oprah herself may have come across rather airhead-ish, it was not enough for me to change the channel from Maya's words.  Her story, so tragic, riveting, passionate and inspirational had me riveted.  There is a quote by the roman play write Terence "I am a human being; nothing human can be alien to me".  While to me this is a pointed but rather innocuous quote; this was Maya Angelou's response to the question 'if life was a class, what have you learned from it?'  Her passionate response to the capabilities of a human being both positive and negative being the inspiration to grow, preserver, forgive, succeed and be the strong woman she is floored me.  To quote loosely she said 'if that human being who committed this atrocity has the parts and capability to do so, so do I....if that human being who has become and created these amazing things has the parts and capacity to do so, so do I'.  To say the least it adjusted my mindset.

Now why are these women larger than life?  They are both over 6 feet tall.  Both taller than any woman I know, and both speak to the power and strength of American women.

Monday, January 10, 2011

My blog the Job Requirement???

So needless to say blogs have become this thing in our world which one, who uses a computer, can no longer avoid.  I also found recently in my job search that not only can you not avoid them, a successful one (someone please tell me what defines blogging success) can be a job requirement? Are you kidding me?  In searching through a variety of marketing director postings I came upon a number of jobs (nearly 1 in 5) that not only requested experience with social media, but required a successful blog, to show that you know what you are doing?!?!  Now I question this primarily on the fact that they were not basing this on anything necessarily related to ones job.  They are looking to see if you, Jane Jobapplicant, have a blog, with followers.  Which requires you, Jane Jobapplicant to not only be computer savy, informed on social media practices and procedures, but also in addition to all of this.......have something interesting to say personally about something people care about.  Not to mention this sure as heck better be something mundane and socially acceptable, because you will need to provide the link to your future employer.

That said, I began to look at blogs.  This felt first like morbid curiosity, and then I decided to be strategic about it.  Who do I know with a blog?  Well only one person design-aholic.  Now I have a blog I know of to look at.  Topic: crafters ADD (the woman is amazing). Popularity:  I don't know and I don't know how to check.

Now do I have a hobby or interest that is a cornerable market.......not really.  There's the bike thing, but it's a real surface hobby, I'm no expert.

So, so what.  So do I need to have a blog, no.  Do I think it might be fun? Sure.  So, here I am all of me, all my caviots, interests, hobbies and opinions.  Enjoy, share, and live.